autograph, london

Schools’ Workshops: Utopia, Ecology and Identity

11 & 12 Oct 2022 || 10am - 2:30pm

Free, booking essential

Bring your school group to Autograph for a hands-on visual arts workshop of our current exhibition Mónica de Miranda: The Island


This workshop is for KS3-KS4-KS5 school groups


Rivington Place
London EC2A 3BA, UK

past event

This event is now finished. View our current events here


Bring your school group to Autograph for a hands-on visual arts workshop exploring themes of our current exhibition Mónica de Miranda: The Island. As a group you will get to explore themes of utopia, ecology and identity as students are guided through the exhibition, followed by a practical workshop. We will pause for lunch at 12:30pm for an hour in our Education Studio.

This workshop will ask a number of key questions
How to create meaningful images?
What is a utopia? What would you like in a perfect world?
What are the key changes around climate and culture we are interested in exploring?
How do we talk about climate issues that represent us?
How do we turn these discussions into creative narratives that speak on facts along with our feelings, dreams and visions for change?

Learning outcomes
Learn to create meaningful photographs. Understand the meaning of utopia.
Value everyone’s contribution.
Become confident in talking about climate change and identity and speculating on ideal future cultures and ways of living more ecologically
Work together to shape up a collective story through discussion, mind mapping and storytelling Use visual and text-based materials to tell the story, including collaging, drawing, writing etc

How to book

This workshop is suitable for KS3, KS4 or KS5, please specify which age group you will be bringing.

This event is now closed. Please view our current events here


Mónica de Miranda: The Island

Free exhibition, 24 Jun - 22 Oct 2022
A new exhibition contemplating the complex experiences of Afrodiasporic lives, relationships to the land and colonial pasts.

Read and see more

workshop leader

Mavreen Arhin

Mavreen Arhin is the Learning and Engagement Manager at Autograph Gallery, with a key focus on developing projects, workshops and events for adults and school audiences, facilitating a deeper engagement with artist-photographers/filmmakers.

She has worked in arts education in a variety of roles to support a range of audiences within Dulwich Picture Galley, Tate Modern and Britain, Whitechapel Gallery and Freeform Arts and Regeneration Trust. She has previously worked as a freelance artist facilitator, devising and delivering workshops within schools and community settings on behalf of arts organisations and has around nine years of experience working within formal education with primary, secondary and college aged students, primarily providing extensive support within SEND school provisions.

Read More


Everyone is welcome at Autograph. We care about our visitors, staff, artists and community, and have measures in place to help ensure a safe visit for everyone. Have a look at our Visit Us page, it has full information about Covid-19 safety and accessibility at Autograph.

group size

For safety, the maximum number of people alowed in the gallery is 30.


Accessible VEnue

Autograph welcomes people with all types of disabilities.



Help us keep everyone safe. If you are able to, please wear a face covering during your visit.


The practical workshop will be one hour long.


Step free

Our building and entrance is step free. A wheelchair accessible lift goes to all floors.


Can you spare a few moments? Autograph is carrying out a survey to better understand who our digital audiences are. The survey should take no longer than five minutes to complete. Anything you tell us will be kept confidential, is anonymous and will only be used for research purposes.

The information you provide will be held by Autograph and The Audience Agency, who are running the survey on our behalf. In compliance with GDPR, your data will be stored securely and will only be used for the purposes it was given.

You can take the survey here. Thank you!

supported by

Banner image: Mónica de Miranda: The Island exhibition at Autograph. 24 June - 22 October 2022. Curated by Renée Mussai and Mark Sealy. Photograph by Kate Elliot.

Images on page: 1) Mónica de Miranda, Whistle for the Wind [detail], from The Island, 2021. Commissioned by Autograph. Supported by Art Fund. 2) Courtesy Mavreen Arhin. 3) Mónica de Miranda: The Island exhibition at Autograph. 24 June - 22 October 2022. Curated by Renée Mussai and Mark Sealy. Photograph by Kate Elliot.