autograph's mission

what we do
Established in 1988, our mission is to champion the work of artists who use photography and film to highlight questions of race, representation, human rights and social justice.
Through doing so, we invite people to explore the creative and critical power of visual representation in shaping our understanding of ourselves and of others.
Every year we engage hundreds of thousands of people locally, nationally and globally at our gallery in London, digitally and through projects taking place in partner spaces.

we are a place to see things differently
Autograph is an inclusive space where the myriad stories of marginalised people are valued and cared for, presented, published, discussed, shared and spread. We hope that through an encounter with an Autograph project people can discover:
• How photography can speak to many different experiences
• Learn about subjects and stories left out of historical and contemporary visual records
• Recognise their own potential ‘agency’ in making and looking at images every day.

our values
To foster informed enquiry and personal creative development, promote respect for and appreciation of difference, encourage empathy and reciprocity in our partnerships and interactions and act ethically towards people and the environment.
These values inform our professional practice, activities and how we work both internally and externally.

our building rivington place
Autograph is located at Rivington Place in Hackney, London. Our iconic building is England’s first permanent public space dedicated to diversity in the visual arts. It houses gallery spaces, pop up cinema facilities, an education studio and Autograph's photographic collection.
Images, from top: 1) Opening night of Franklyn Rodgers: Devotion - A Portrait of Loretta exhibition at Autograph. 27 April - 7 July 2018. Curated by Mark Sealy and Renée Mussai. Photograph by Zoë Maxwell. 2) Zanele Muholi Somnyama Ngonyama, Hail, The Dark Lioness exhibition at Autograph. 24 July - 28 Oct 2017. Curated by Renée Mussai. Photograph by Zoë Maxwell.