Rotimi Fani-Kayode works on loan to Whitney Museum of American Art

25 Sep 2024 - 9 Feb 2025

Collection Loan


Autograph is loaning a photograph from our collection by artist Rotimi Fani-Kayode to  Whitney Museum of American Art's exhibition Edges of Ailey. 

This exhibition is the first large-scale museum exhibition to celebrate the life, dances, influences, and enduring legacy of visionary artist and choreographer Alvin Ailey. It will bring together visual art, live performance, music, a range of archival materials, and a multi-screen video installation drawn from recordings of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater (AAADT) repertory to explore the full range of Ailey’s personal and creative life.

A dynamic montage of Ailey’s life and dances will play on loop across an 18-channel video installation created by filmmakers Josh Begley and Kya Lou, with curator Adrienne Edwards. Ailey’s presence, felt through the video surround and his encased personal effects, envelops a scenic installation of artworks by over eighty artists, including Rotimi Fani-Kayode.


Whitney Museum of American Art
99 Gansevoort St,
New York, NY 10014, United States


Find directions, opening hours, accessibility and ticketing information on Whitney Museum of American Art's website

work on loan

Every Moment Counts (Ecstatic Antibodies), 1989

about the artist

Rotimi Fani-Kayode (1955 - 1989)

A founding signatory and one of the first chairs of Autograph, Fani-Kayode was actively engaged in the Black British art scene during the 1980s.

His photographs have been exhibited internationally since 1985, with numerous solo and group exhibitions in Europe, America and Africa. In 2003, his work featured in the African Pavilion at the 50th Venice Biennale, Italy and today his works are represented in major public and private collectors including Tate, Guggenheim Museum; Victoria & Albert Museum; The Walther Collection; The Hutchins Center; Kiasma-Museum of Contemporary Art; and the collection of Yinka Shonibare CBE, amongst others.

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Rotimi Fani-Kayode & Alex Hirst: Photographs

Vintage hardcover photography book

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Rotimi Fani-Kayode, Adebiyi,

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Banner image: Rotimi Fani-Kayode, Every Moment Counts (Ecstatic Antibodies) [detail], 1989. Courtesy of Autograph, London.

Work on loan: Rotimi Fani-Kayode, Every Moment Counts (Ecstatic Antibodies), 1989. Courtesy of Autograph, London.

About the artists: 1) Sunil Gupta, Portrait of Rotimi Fani-Kayode. © and courtesy Sunil Gutpa